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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kibakoganea Nagai, 1984

The genus Kikobaganea was erected by Nagai in 1984 as subgenus of Fruhstoferia, Hirasawa promoted it to genus level in 1992. Their typical characteristic is the inner lobe on basal lateral edge of each pronotum side. There are total 14 known species around South East Asia and South China. And they belong to 3 groups (based on structure of the male genitalia organ):

Group 1 with very short and apex separated parameres:

K. formosana (Kurosawa & Kobayashi, 1975) (Do Collection)

This species is endemic in Taiwan, they are quite smaller than other member of the genus, they are green/yellow with black part marking beetles.

K. sinica Bouchard

K. kraatzi Miyake & Muramoto, 2003

This first known from Vietnam then later found from South China and Hainan, the species had been misidentified with K. sexmaculata in a long time but later be described as a new species.

K. opaca Muramoto, 1993 (Do Collection)

This species found from China and recently be recorded from North Vietnam.

Group 2 with longer and not separated parameres which are asymmetrical:

K. kawaii Muramoto, 2005

K. koyamai (Hirasawa, 1989) (Do Collection)

K. kumei (Hirasawa, 1989) (Do Collection)

Last group, group 3, genitalia with not separated and symmetrical parameres:

K. dohertyi (Ohaus, 1905)

K. fujiokai Miyake & Muramoto, 1992 (Do Collection) - Male

Male of K. fujiokai, photographed by Cuong Do, Lam Dong Province

K. fujiokai Miyake & Muramoto, 1992 Female, laying her egg in breeding box. Specimens collected from Lam Dong Privnce

K. sexmaculata (Kraatz, 1900) (Do Collection)
This species is the most early known species among members of the genus. It was first recorded from North Vietnam then be found wider distribute in the area later. The type locality of the species is same to K. kraatzi

K. tamdaoensis Miyake & Muramoto

K. vernicata (Benderitter)

K. canhcamsung Do, 2013 (male holotype) from Tay Giang, Quang Nam Province

K. yoshitomii Nagai

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