The taxon
Stichophthalma suffusa tonkiana Fruhstofer, 1901 is a very complicated history during its discovery. The type of the subspecies was found from Than Moi, Tonkin (in original description) = Than Muoi, Lang Son Province, North Vietnam. However today, Than Muoi Village maybe not been the habitat of the taxon anymore because deforestation in whole the lowland of the area. Now they also was found from Tam Dao National Park, Vinh Phuc Province.
The subspecies was described as a subspecies of
Stichophthalma howqua, a species that with type found from Shang Hai, East China. The taxon
suffusa was described as a subspecies of
howqua in the original description by Leech, 1892. The publication of 2008 by Mornastyrskii and Deviatkin showed that
suffusa with the type found from Omei Shan, China and
howqua are distinguish species and they separated by dark pattern of the hind wings on upper side. So the subspecies
tonkiana that described by Fruhstofer in 1901 under the species
S. howqua was moved to the species
S. suffusa. However in the paper, authors also mentioned about further studies of subspecies level should be done in the future.
They are large size butterflies, and found in a good forests in North Vietnam, similar to other species of the genus, they are attracted by rotten fruits or animal dead body.
Stichophthalma suffusa tonkiana Fruhstofer, 1901 - upper side
Stichophthalma suffusa tonkiana Fruhstofer, 1901 - under side