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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Camacinia harterti Karsch, 1890

In the field trip with my wife in 2009 (honey moon trip + field trip) to Tam Dao National Park, I found a new record of very beautiful dragonfly, Camacinia harterti Karsch, 1890. It was recorded the first time in Vietnam, the species is large dragonfly and to be the second species of the genus be found in the country. Not same to its related species, Camacinia gigantea, that found very common in low land in South East Asia, C. harterti was found in high mountain forest that not strong disturbed.

This species is brighten colorful with a nearly hyaline wings, red abdomen with lemon yellow basal segments. It is unbelievable discovery because it is very rare and Tam Dao fauna has been researched very often in 20 years recently.

C. harterti is quite rare and be found on the way from the main Town of Tam Dao to Tam Dao 2, there has not been any other record of this species since 2009 in Tam Dao.

Male of Camacinia harterti in Tam Dao National Park, taken by Cuong Do (14.IV.2009)

Habitat of C. harterti, my wife in the trip to Tam Dao, 2009

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